Theme – Jesus, Welcome to Our World – Luke 2
We are so busy welcoming in the season of Christmas that we fail to welcome the reason for the season. We welcome friends into our homes, but do we truly welcome Jesus into our hearts? How many times have we routinely heard phrases like, “Christ humbly entered the world in a lowly nature’, but fail to take pause. So let’s focus on what that truly meant. God brought the minutest of details together to fulfill prophecy, both past and future. Something as seemingly insignificant as the birth happening in Bethlehem, and the swaddling cloths used to wrap the baby after birth, point significantly to Who Christ is, and what He was sent to do. And with greater understanding, we truly can say, “Jesus, welcome to our world.”
Service Notes
- The service theme is “Jesus, Welcome to Our World”, based on the song by Chris Rice.
- This resource is a complete order of worship including a full Sermon Script, Sermon Notes, Sermon Resources, and optional elements of Communion and Congregational Candle Lighting.
- Custom-created videos for Preservice, Gospel readings, Song after the Message, and Exit are included in your package, plus a custom-designed logo and Title slide. Permission is granted for use with this worship resource. A sample promotional flyer is included at the end of this resource.
- Swaddling Cloths – Purchase neutral-colored heavy canvas for pieces approximately 2 inches x 5 inches. Make a small cut and then tear the rest of the create ragged edges. These are given to worshipers as they arrive.
- If you have access to live animals, including these in the Nativity story is a wonderful addition. Depending upon your location, possible sources would be local animal rescue, farmers or ranchers, or animal rental companies. Suggested animals would include a donkey and a few sheep and/or goats, and if you’re really fortunate to find, a camel.
- We suggest giving a keepsake ornament. We used Flat Shatterproof Satin Ornaments from com. 100 are $1.09 each plus set up charge. [Image at end of this resource.] (These would adorn at least one of your Christmas trees, preferably at the front side/s of the church, for worshipers to take from the tree when they return from Communion. You could also use 3rd grade and older children to distribute.)
- Your church must have CCLI and CVLI Licenses to legally use the suggested music and videos.