Luke 18:9-14
Jesus tells a parable about a Pharisee and a tax collector who both go to the temple to pray. The Pharisee boasts of his accomplishments, elevating himself above sinners. The tax collector humbles himself before the Lord and repents. When you find yourself listing your good deeds, remember this lesson of true humility and the reward that the Lord bestows upon the humble.
We Lift Our Hearts in Worship
[Preservice options include videos (countdowns, worship music, welcomes), worship music CD, or live music by worship band.]
Time of Praise and Worship
Blessed Be Your Name
Beth & Matt Redman, ©2002 Thankyou Music
I Come To The Cross
Bill Batstone & Bob Somma, ©1996 Maranatha Praise, Inc. (Maranatha! Music [Admin. by Music Services]) Meadowgreen Music Company (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
Give Us Clean Hands
Charlie Hall, ©2000 Songs/sixsteps Music
[Traditional Options]
Not All the Blood of Beasts
LSB 431; LW 99
How Great Thou Art
BH 75 35; BH 91 10; CH 147; CHH 33; ELW 856; HWC 4; HPW 17; HFG 2; HLC 32; LBW 532; LSB 801;
LW 519; NCH 35; PH 467; RH 2; RS 663; STTL 33; WC 21; UMH 77; WAR 51; WHM 111; WIS 5
Lord, Whose Love Through/In Humble Service
CHH 461; EH 610; ELW 712; HS98 882; HLC 512; LBW 423; LSB 848; UMH 581; WAR 575
Invocation and Introduction of Today’s Theme
Pastor Exalted Lord, You alone are worthy to be praised!
ALL Indeed, You are the sovereign God.
Pastor Righteousness and justice belong to you.
ALL Humble our hearts now.
Opening Prayer
Pastor Almighty God, when we humble ourselves before you, it is you who lifts us up. So often we become prideful in our own accomplishments forgetting that it is pride that comes before a fall. But when our hearts bow down to your will, Your truth, and your goodness, you reward us. Let today be the day that marks our transformation as your disciples. Let today be the day that we refuse pride and walk in humility with you, God. Thank you for loving us when we succeed and even when we fail. In your holy name we pray.
ALL Amen.
Time of Greeting
Time of Confession and Forgiveness
[Alternate location: following Message]
Pastor Forgiving Father, when we choose salvation through your Son, Jesus Christ, we are
forgiven of all of our sins.
ALL We thank you for your forgiveness.
Pastor Even though we have been forgiven, we seek to confess our sins as your Word
commands in James 5:16, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” In this time of quiet, bring to our minds now what we need to confess to you and to others.
(Allow for a time of quiet reflection and prayer)
Pastor Lord, as we confess our sins, heal our hearts. Relieve us of the well of guilt that pools in
our hearts.
ALL Grant us courage to confess and ask one another for prayer.
Pastor Let our prayers of confession for one another be powerful and effective and bring us
freedom. In your gracious name we pray, Jesus, Amen.
ALL Amen.
We Hear God’s Word
[Read aloud both the introduction and Scripture]
First Reading Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22
The people of Judah pray for God to rescue them. Even Jeremiah seeks the Lord and pleads with him to remember His people, for their only hope is God alone.
“Although our sins testify against us, do something, Lord, for the sake of your name. For we have often rebelled; we have sinned against you. 8 You who are the hope of Israel, its Savior in times of distress,
why are you like a stranger in the land, like a traveler who stays only a night? 9 Why are you like a man taken by surprise, like a warrior powerless to save? You are among us, Lord, and we bear your name; do not forsake us! 10 This is what the Lord says about this people: “They greatly love to wander; they do not restrain their feet. So the Lord does not accept them; he will now remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins.”
19 Have you rejected Judah completely? Do you despise Zion? Why have you afflicted us so that we cannot be healed? We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there is only terror. 20 We acknowledge our wickedness, Lord, and the guilt of our ancestors; we have indeed sinned against you. 21 For the sake of your name do not despise us; do not dishonor your glorious throne. Remember your covenant with us and do not break it. 22 Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, Lord our God. Therefore, our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this.