Contemporary Worship can be a confusing term. Often it is viewed as worship that doesn’t follow formal liturgy, and uses a worship team to lead the music. More importantly, it is manytimes in a more casual setting where a greater personal relationship with God is felt. Plus the Themes focus on how our God enters into life’s problems and stresses today, whereas traditional themes focus on what God has done. Contemporary worship involves more sensory experiences and creativity. Motivated Worshipers engage in an individual and meaningful way.
Who We Are
Therefore, WorshipOutlet’s worship resources provide churches the outlet to offer creative contemporary worship experiences. First, writers select a theme based on the readings of the day. Secondly, the authors write the prayers, Confession/Absolution, Statements of Belief, and Benediction focused on that theme. Lastly, contemporary Worship songs are selected based on that theme. And for churches that wish to include hymns, traditional hymn options are included.
Why We Are Special
Uniquely for WorshipOutlet, each service includes Sermon Seasonings. These include a Scripture breakdown of the theme passage, stories, quotes, and videos. You, the pastor or worship leader, customize the service to your church setting, and use what will be most impactful for your worshipers.
Likewise, WorshipOutlet’s individual resources are versatile, and you can get them in many ways. You can purchase annual, quarterly, and monthly subscriptions for our weekly services, called WorshipAlivePlus!
How to Get WorshipOutlet
Hence, the busy pastor who can’t devote 20 hours a week in sermon preparation will find these to be a perfect fit. You always have WorshipAlive resources at the click of your mouse. Additionally, for small churches with volunteer musicians, WorshipAlivePlus! already has your music chosen for you! The subscription can also smooth your church’s transition between pastors.
But, what if you don’t want to commit to a subscription? For a little more money, you can purchase individual worship resources! Search based on season, theme, Sunday, or Scripture! Shop for these in the WorshipOutlet store
You can search multiple ways to find virtually any topic, from Heartless Lip Service to the Second Sunday in Lent to the Thanksgiving season
WorshipOutlet has worship resources for every Sunday and special church season of the year.
Contact us if you can’t find what you want, and we’ll do our best to write one to fit!