
Luke 23:44-46

The cross of Christ is a very powerful symbol in that it altered the course of human history by reconciling man back to God.  The cross has a polarizing effect.  Some stumble at the thought of a torture device being able to accomplish anything.  Some are drawn to its meaning and possible implications to their lives.  Some rely upon it for daily living.  Often, people have varied responses when it comes to the cross and the man who died upon it.  This Lent, we will be looking at the cross from the eyes of six different characters in the Passion narrative.


The cross was at one time, a perfect example of man’s ability to torture and destroy in the most brutal of ways.  It was a symbol that would invoke fear to the criminals and pain for their loved ones.  In order to make an example of those who would commit crimes, this Roman invention became a powerful deterrent simply because of the pain that it would cause to those who would find themselves hanging on one.

                        It is easy to miss the pain involved on Good Friday.  Jesus was afflicted and made to suffer in such cruel ways. Along with Jesus, His mother Mary also experienced a new level of anguish and agony.  To see your son hanging on the cross, bleeding, suffering, gasping and dying must have been overwhelming to see.

                        We have all experienced excruciating pain.  Maybe it wasn’t the physical pain that Jesus experienced, but rather the emotional pain that Mary felt.  Tonight, we will look at both and see the cross through the lens of pain.