There Is No Freedom Like Freedom in Christ- Reformation- 2014 RCL


John 8:31-36

Freedom has many faces. There are endless examples of freedom and we all experience it in different ways from infancy until the end of our lives here on earth. As a child, we know the feeling of finally being free to play in the backyard without supervision, or at 16 years old, being freed up to drive the car on our own. For a World War II Veteran, liberation from a Nazi concentration camp was an amazing feeling. The freedoms we enjoy in this country have come with a high price as we remember our Veterans who have fought battles to keep our country free. As great as this freedom is, there is still no greater freedom as being free in Christ. Freedoms of the flesh give a false sense of what true freedom is. We don’t have to be enslaved to sin, plagued by guilt, driven by the influences of the world, because Christ has freed us through his death and resurrection. He has given us an abundant life on earth and the promise of eternal life.

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John 8:31-36

Freedom has many faces. There are endless examples of freedom and we all experience it in different ways from infancy until the end of our lives here on earth. As a child, we know the feeling of finally being free to play in the backyard without supervision, or at 16 years old, being freed up to drive the car on our own. For a World War II Veteran, liberation from a Nazi concentration camp was an amazing feeling. The freedoms we enjoy in this country have come with a high price as we remember our Veterans who have fought battles to keep our country free. As great as this freedom is, there is still no greater freedom as being free in Christ. Freedoms of the flesh give a false sense of what true freedom is. We don’t have to be enslaved to sin, plagued by guilt, driven by the influences of the world, because Christ has freed us through his death and resurrection. He has given us an abundant life on earth and the promise of eternal life.


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