Hearts of Thanksgiving


Philippians 4:4-9

It seems as though every time you watch the news there is a new study out telling us to take better care of our hearts.  Heart health is a wise thing to pursue if you want to live a long and healthy life.  And there seems to be a large percentage of Americans taking the studies “to heart” and changing their lifestyles.  There’s also another type of “heart care” that you don’t hear too much about and few studies have been done on it–that is, the spiritual condition of the heart.  While it may not be scientifically proven a heart filled with faith will beat longer, in fact, it will beat for all eternity.  And a heart filled with faith is one that is filled with thanksgiving!  On this celebration of thanksgiving we offer up to the Lord our “hearts of thanksgiving”!

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Philippians 4:4-9

It seems as though every time you watch the news there is a new study out telling us to take better care of our hearts.  Heart health is a wise thing to pursue if you want to live a long and healthy life.  And there seems to be a large percentage of Americans taking the studies “to heart” and changing their lifestyles.  There’s also another type of “heart care” that you don’t hear too much about and few studies have been done on it–that is, the spiritual condition of the heart.  While it may not be scientifically proven a heart filled with faith will beat longer, in fact, it will beat for all eternity.  And a heart filled with faith is one that is filled with thanksgiving!  On this celebration of thanksgiving we offer up to the Lord our “hearts of thanksgiving”!

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