Be Satisfied


Matthew 14:13-21

Today we hear Matthew’s Gospel’s account of the feeding of the 5,000. A familiar story, and an important one for us to continually hear. Jesus knew the needs of the crowd long before the disciples came to Him concerned. Jesus knew the solution to the situation, a solution His followers couldn’t have imagined. In the end, when Jesus does His work for His people, we are satisfied. Let Jesus work in you today that you may be satisfied.

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Matthew 14:13-21

Today we hear Matthew’s Gospel’s account of the feeding of the 5,000. A familiar story, and an important one for us to continually hear. Jesus knew the needs of the crowd long before the disciples came to Him concerned. Jesus knew the solution to the situation, a solution His followers couldn’t have imagined. In the end, when Jesus does His work for His people, we are satisfied. Let Jesus work in you today that you may be satisfied.


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