

The risen Jesus is the archetype of what we are becoming. He is holy. He is eternal. He is love. The world did not recognize Him for Who He is, and crucified Him. In the same way, we are becoming what Jesus is. The Spirit is making us holy, giving us everlasting life, and filling us with love. And the world has difficulty with us, as well. In fact, that which is holy, that which is eternal and that which is love, is a threat to the world. We are the children of God! And while the world might reject us, we are becoming who we were intended to be.

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The risen Jesus is the archetype of what we are becoming. He is holy. He is eternal. He is love. The world did not recognize Him for Who He is, and crucified Him. In the same way, we are becoming what Jesus is. The Spirit is making us holy, giving us everlasting life, and filling us with love. And the world has difficulty with us, as well. In fact, that which is holy, that which is eternal and that which is love, is a threat to the world. We are the children of God! And while the world might reject us, we are becoming who we were intended to be.


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