It’s an essential aspect of the Gospel – the sinless eternal Christ left His heavenly home and wrapped Himself in flesh. The Creator became a creature. The One through Whom all things were made was a man, subject to the limitations of the flesh. He knew hunger and pain and death. The conquering King entered Jerusalem on a humble beast. It is the way of the Gospel. We too empty ourselves. As John said of Jesus, “He must increase, I must decrease.” And we lower ourselves and become obedient, surrendering all our entitlements and claims to ourselves. We drop. And are humble. And kneel.
Core Training 6. Drop
It’s an essential aspect of the Gospel – the sinless eternal Christ left His heavenly home and wrapped Himself in flesh. The Creator became a creature. The One through Whom all things were made was a man, subject to the limitations of the flesh. He knew hunger and pain and death. The conquering King entered Jerusalem on a humble beast. It is the way of the Gospel. We too empty ourselves. As John said of Jesus, “He must increase, I must decrease.” And we lower ourselves and become obedient, surrendering all our entitlements and claims to ourselves. We drop. And are humble. And kneel.