Core Training 6. Drop


It’s an essential aspect of the Gospel – the sinless eternal Christ left His heavenly home and wrapped Himself in flesh. The Creator became a creature. The One through Whom all things were made was a man, subject to the limitations of the flesh. He knew hunger and pain and death. The conquering King entered Jerusalem on a humble beast. It is the way of the Gospel. We too empty ourselves. As John said of Jesus, “He must increase, I must decrease.” And we lower ourselves and become obedient, surrendering all our entitlements and claims to ourselves. We drop. And are humble. And kneel.

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SKU: WAP-LSB-030-C-10-MW Category:


It’s an essential aspect of the Gospel – the sinless eternal Christ left His heavenly home and wrapped Himself in flesh. The Creator became a creature. The One through Whom all things were made was a man, subject to the limitations of the flesh. He knew hunger and pain and death. The conquering King entered Jerusalem on a humble beast. It is the way of the Gospel. We too empty ourselves. As John said of Jesus, “He must increase, I must decrease.” And we lower ourselves and become obedient, surrendering all our entitlements and claims to ourselves. We drop. And are humble. And kneel.


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