Cross Splinters


Matthew 10: 34-42

Pieces, not peace. Being followers of Jesus, those who take up the cross and follow Him, brings division within our lives. It is not easy living. Bearing the cross sets us at odds with those around us, even some of those within our own families. It would be so much easier to lay down the cross and simply get along with those around us. But that is not our call. This cross which has redeemed us has now called us to a cross of our own, and as we carry it, we pick up its splinters, and our lives are splintered. Division. Difficulty. Death. Pieces. All for the sake of following Him Who has loved us.

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Matthew 10: 34-42

Pieces, not peace. Being followers of Jesus, those who take up the cross and follow Him, brings division within our lives. It is not easy living. Bearing the cross sets us at odds with those around us, even some of those within our own families. It would be so much easier to lay down the cross and simply get along with those around us. But that is not our call. This cross which has redeemed us has now called us to a cross of our own, and as we carry it, we pick up its splinters, and our lives are splintered. Division. Difficulty. Death. Pieces. All for the sake of following Him Who has loved us.


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