Doubt It


John 20:19-31

What bad press. When Jesus declared He was going to return to Bethany, after the death of Lazarus, the disciples knew there could be danger. The Pharisees and the chief priests and the elders of the people had made it clear they considered Jesus a threat. In some ways, Bethany was in enemy territory. Yet it was Thomas who said, “Let us go with Him, that we may die with Him.” Could this be the same man who is labeled as “doubting Thomas”?Yes. Such courage. Such doubt. Perhaps we know what that is like. Last week, we proclaimed our faith in the resurrected Jesus. The alleluias were loud and boisterous and heartfelt. What about this week? Life has settled in. Has doubt crept in as well? We are not so unlike Thomas. Willing to die with Jesus one moment, and wavering the next. And to us Jesus says, “Put your finger here. Believe!” And our response is the same as that of Thomas: “My Lord and my God.”

SKU: WAP-LSB-036-C-10 Category:


John 20:19-31

What bad press. When Jesus declared He was going to return to Bethany, after the death of Lazarus, the disciples knew there could be danger. The Pharisees and the chief priests and the elders of the people had made it clear they considered Jesus a threat. In some ways, Bethany was in enemy territory. Yet it was Thomas who said, “Let us go with Him, that we may die with Him.” Could this be the same man who is labeled as “doubting Thomas”?Yes. Such courage. Such doubt. Perhaps we know what that is like. Last week, we proclaimed our faith in the resurrected Jesus. The alleluias were loud and boisterous and heartfelt. What about this week? Life has settled in. Has doubt crept in as well? We are not so unlike Thomas. Willing to die with Jesus one moment, and wavering the next. And to us Jesus says, “Put your finger here. Believe!” And our response is the same as that of Thomas: “My Lord and my God.”

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