Estate Planning


It seemed to make a lot of sense & and every financial planner in the world would consider it sound advice. Prepare for the future. Sock away your savings. Build bigger barns. Retire in comfort. What makes sense to the world, God calls ‘foolish.’ In fact, that was the Word God spoke to the man who was to be rich in things and poor in spirit. “Fool.” This life will pass away. The Word of God will not. Where shall we invest?

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It seemed to make a lot of sense & and every financial planner in the world would consider it sound advice. Prepare for the future. Sock away your savings. Build bigger barns. Retire in comfort. What makes sense to the world, God calls ‘foolish.’ In fact, that was the Word God spoke to the man who was to be rich in things and poor in spirit. “Fool.” This life will pass away. The Word of God will not. Where shall we invest?


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