There is nothing like a good mystery. The story revolves plot, intrigue, and character and moves toward a surprise ending. So it is with the story of our salvation. The plot is simple good and evil. The intrigue mounts as mankind mounts repeated efforts to overcome evil, all to no avail. The character of God steps forth. Good triumphs! Evil is vanquished. Not because mankind has overcome, but because the holy, sinless God has entered flesh and come as the Lamb Who takes away the sins of the world. It is not so much a who-dun-it as a God-dun-it. And the mystery is revealed we are redeemed.
God-Dun-It-Second Sunday after Christmas-RCL Readings
There is nothing like a good mystery. The story revolves plot, intrigue, and character and moves toward a surprise ending. So it is with the story of our salvation. The plot is simple good and evil. The intrigue mounts as mankind mounts repeated efforts to overcome evil, all to no avail. The character of God steps forth. Good triumphs! Evil is vanquished. Not because mankind has overcome, but because the holy, sinless God has entered flesh and come as the Lamb Who takes away the sins of the world. It is not so much a who-dun-it as a God-dun-it. And the mystery is revealed we are redeemed.