He is the Way


John 14:1-14

Our Gospel reading today contains familiar words of Jesus, He is the way the truth and the life. We cannot get to the Father except through Jesus. This often becomes a controversial statement in our culture. How can Jesus be the only way? Why can’t there be others? We sinfully let that cloud our thoughts and discussions instead of lifting up what Jesus is saying: stop worrying about other things and other ways – Jesus is the way! He’s here now for you! Why bother with anything or anyone else?

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John 14:1-14

Our Gospel reading today contains familiar words of Jesus, He is the way the truth and the life. We cannot get to the Father except through Jesus. This often becomes a controversial statement in our culture. How can Jesus be the only way? Why can’t there be others? We sinfully let that cloud our thoughts and discussions instead of lifting up what Jesus is saying: stop worrying about other things and other ways – Jesus is the way! He’s here now for you! Why bother with anything or anyone else?


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