Healing Journey


We hear the story of the Ten Lepers frequently around Thanksgiving, primarily because the Samaritan returned to give thanks to Jesus for his healing. But the essence of the story is not thanksgiving & it’s living as if what God proclaims has already happened. When Jesus told the lepers to show themselves to the priests, Luke tells us that as they went they were healed. They didn’t wait to make sure they were healed. They acted as if what Jesus promised not only would happen, but already had. How many miracles do we forfeit because we are not willing to act as if what God proclaims is true? There is a healing journey available for all of us, but it requires we take a step of obedience.

SKU: WAP-LSB-063-C-10 Category:


We hear the story of the Ten Lepers frequently around Thanksgiving, primarily because the Samaritan returned to give thanks to Jesus for his healing. But the essence of the story is not thanksgiving & it’s living as if what God proclaims has already happened. When Jesus told the lepers to show themselves to the priests, Luke tells us that as they went they were healed. They didn’t wait to make sure they were healed. They acted as if what Jesus promised not only would happen, but already had. How many miracles do we forfeit because we are not willing to act as if what God proclaims is true? There is a healing journey available for all of us, but it requires we take a step of obedience.

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