Heaven: How to Get There


In our pluralistic, politically correct, all-embracing culture, most people seem to believe that there are many different roads to heaven. Some Christians don’t want to appear insensitive to others’ beliefs lest they be seen as being narrow-minded or intolerant. Some fear that if we make the claim that Jesus is the only way, then we start to sound like the Muslims who call those who don’t believe in Allah “infidels.” Some Christians don’t even believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven, yet that is exactly what Jesus says. So, how do we proclaim Jesus as the only way in our pluralistic culture? How do we help others know how to get to heaven? Today we will not only address the one road to heaven through Jesus Christ, but also how to share it in a winsome way, which shows that Christ embraces all sinners.

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In our pluralistic, politically correct, all-embracing culture, most people seem to believe that there are many different roads to heaven. Some Christians don’t want to appear insensitive to others’ beliefs lest they be seen as being narrow-minded or intolerant. Some fear that if we make the claim that Jesus is the only way, then we start to sound like the Muslims who call those who don’t believe in Allah “infidels.” Some Christians don’t even believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven, yet that is exactly what Jesus says. So, how do we proclaim Jesus as the only way in our pluralistic culture? How do we help others know how to get to heaven? Today we will not only address the one road to heaven through Jesus Christ, but also how to share it in a winsome way, which shows that Christ embraces all sinners.


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