It’s Not All About You, It’s All About Grace


It’s not all about you, it’s all about Grace! Have you ever said or thought, “But that’s not fair!” In the world’s way of payment you get what you earn. So, if you work 40 hours you get paid for 40 hours. And if you work only 20 hours, you get paid for only 20 hours. That’s fair & it is the payment you expect. But that’s not how grace works! Grace isn’t earned through effort. Therefore, it’s not fair. If it were fair, then we would have to earn it and we would get what we actually deserve–eternal punishment. This morning Jesus teaches us how unfair His grace really is. And thank the Lord for His “unfair” application of grace! Because He so unfairly took our punishment, we unfairly get what we didn’t earn or deserve. So, thank the Lord it’s not all about what’s fair to you & it’s all about His grace, which was won unfairly by His death, His shed blood and His rejection by the Father. All this so you could get what you didn’t deserve! Not fair & but thank God for His unfair grace!

SKU: WAP-LSB-062-A-08 Category:


It’s not all about you, it’s all about Grace! Have you ever said or thought, “But that’s not fair!” In the world’s way of payment you get what you earn. So, if you work 40 hours you get paid for 40 hours. And if you work only 20 hours, you get paid for only 20 hours. That’s fair & it is the payment you expect. But that’s not how grace works! Grace isn’t earned through effort. Therefore, it’s not fair. If it were fair, then we would have to earn it and we would get what we actually deserve–eternal punishment. This morning Jesus teaches us how unfair His grace really is. And thank the Lord for His “unfair” application of grace! Because He so unfairly took our punishment, we unfairly get what we didn’t earn or deserve. So, thank the Lord it’s not all about what’s fair to you & it’s all about His grace, which was won unfairly by His death, His shed blood and His rejection by the Father. All this so you could get what you didn’t deserve! Not fair & but thank God for His unfair grace!

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