Jesus Prays for Contagious Christianity


When Jesus prayed what is called the “High Priestly Prayer,” he was praying for all believers in the future. He prayed that you and I would love one another in such a way that others who don’t believe would be drawn to Him. In other words, He prayed for you and me to be “contagious Christians” by our love! So, the question before us today is: “How contagious are you?” Do people know you are a Christian by the way you love?

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When Jesus prayed what is called the “High Priestly Prayer,” he was praying for all believers in the future. He prayed that you and I would love one another in such a way that others who don’t believe would be drawn to Him. In other words, He prayed for you and me to be “contagious Christians” by our love! So, the question before us today is: “How contagious are you?” Do people know you are a Christian by the way you love?

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