Letting the Light Shine Through

It’s the old story of the boy, looking at the people immortalized in the stain glass windows. He asked his mother who were they were. She told him they were ‘saints.’ Later, his mother asked the boy to tell his father what he had learned about saints. “Oh,” said the boy, “Saints are those who let the light shine through.” And nowhere does the light shine most powerfully than in the darkness. Many Christians have a spirit of triumphalism. They feel that because they are Christians, their lives will be filled with earthly blessing. That’s not always the way it works. In fact, Jesus clearly tells us that we will suffer and be persecuted as we follow Him, and those who in the midst of pain and difficulties allow His light to shine through are saints.

SKU: WAP-RCL-069-C-10 Category:


It’s the old story of the boy, looking at the people immortalized in the stain glass windows. He asked his mother who were they were. She told him they were ‘saints.’ Later, his mother asked the boy to tell his father what he had learned about saints. “Oh,” said the boy, “Saints are those who let the light shine through.” And nowhere does the light shine most powerfully than in the darkness. Many Christians have a spirit of triumphalism. They feel that because they are Christians, their lives will be filled with earthly blessing. That’s not always the way it works. In fact, Jesus clearly tells us that we will suffer and be persecuted as we follow Him, and those who in the midst of pain and difficulties allow His light to shine through are saints.

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