Living With The Weeds


Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

The world we live in contains many different kinds of people – some seem to possess an incredible amount of love and good, and others seem to be filled with hate and evil. We also know that there are many and various religions and faith expressions. There are tremendous differences among people when it comes to moral standards, beliefs and spiritual backgrounds. Jesus shared a parable which speaks about weeds and wheat. The weeds and wheat represent two distinct kinds of people in the world. Our first inclination is to make the wheat believers in God through Christ and weeds everyone else, yet is it that clear cut?  When referring to weeds, the gospel account most likely is pointing to darnel or cockle, which is a weed that closely resembles wheat in Israel. You can’t always tell them apart. Jesus shows us in the parable that attempting to root out the weeds will only damage the overall crop. In the end, it is God Who is the judge when it comes to separating the weeds from the wheat. Thank God we don’t have to take on that responsibility. Let’s live with the reality of weeds and engage in the mission of Christ.

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Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

The world we live in contains many different kinds of people – some seem to possess an incredible amount of love and good, and others seem to be filled with hate and evil. We also know that there are many and various religions and faith expressions. There are tremendous differences among people when it comes to moral standards, beliefs and spiritual backgrounds. Jesus shared a parable which speaks about weeds and wheat. The weeds and wheat represent two distinct kinds of people in the world. Our first inclination is to make the wheat believers in God through Christ and weeds everyone else, yet is it that clear cut?  When referring to weeds, the gospel account most likely is pointing to darnel or cockle, which is a weed that closely resembles wheat in Israel. You can’t always tell them apart. Jesus shows us in the parable that attempting to root out the weeds will only damage the overall crop. In the end, it is God Who is the judge when it comes to separating the weeds from the wheat. Thank God we don’t have to take on that responsibility. Let’s live with the reality of weeds and engage in the mission of Christ.

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