Lost and Found


All of us have found ourselves hopelessly lost, trying to find our way along streets with which we are not familiar. There are few things more frustrating. But at least we know we’re lost. There are times we are headed in the wrong direction and don’t even know it. We simply move blithely along the wrong path, enjoying the scenery and remarking on what good time we’re making. And we’re totally lost! There are so many who are lost and don’t know it. And God, in His grace and love, seeks and seeks, and when He finds, He rejoices. It is a major theme in the story of salvation. We who were lost are found, and we search passionately for those still lost, especially those who don’t even know it.

SKU: WAP-LSB-059-C-10 Category:


All of us have found ourselves hopelessly lost, trying to find our way along streets with which we are not familiar. There are few things more frustrating. But at least we know we’re lost. There are times we are headed in the wrong direction and don’t even know it. We simply move blithely along the wrong path, enjoying the scenery and remarking on what good time we’re making. And we’re totally lost! There are so many who are lost and don’t know it. And God, in His grace and love, seeks and seeks, and when He finds, He rejoices. It is a major theme in the story of salvation. We who were lost are found, and we search passionately for those still lost, especially those who don’t even know it.

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