It is such a powerful word. One. We have One Lord, and One faith, and One calling, and One baptism. So says Paul in Ephesians. So why, then, does the Church seem so fractured? Why are there so many denominations, and schisms within denominations, and ruptures within congregations? The very fact Jesus felt compelled, as our High Priest, to pray about unity tells us how fragile fellowship can be. What makes us One? Our traditions? Our approaches? Our culture? Or the cross? Perhaps the key to unity is for each of us to stand beneath the cross, where the ground is always level.
It is such a powerful word. One. We have One Lord, and One faith, and One calling, and One baptism. So says Paul in Ephesians. So why, then, does the Church seem so fractured? Why are there so many denominations, and schisms within denominations, and ruptures within congregations? The very fact Jesus felt compelled, as our High Priest, to pray about unity tells us how fragile fellowship can be. What makes us One? Our traditions? Our approaches? Our culture? Or the cross? Perhaps the key to unity is for each of us to stand beneath the cross, where the ground is always level.