Pitching Tent with Humanity


John 1:1-18

It is a known fact that if a person wants to learn about a certain group of people, their culture, customs, and language, he or she must immerse themselves in it all. When you live for an extended period of time among the people, you learn, relate, and gain a perspective that cannot be achieved any other way. You do not just pass through for a short period of time. You take up residence and “pitch a tent.” In our gospel text, the NRSV says: “And the Word became flesh and lived among us.” The verb there is skenoo – which means “to spread a tent.” When God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world, God, in essence, pitched tent for the purpose of residing with humanity in the fullest possible way and putting skin on. God loves us so much and made it known by putting on flesh. Jesus came to change the world. May he work mightily through us as we immerse ourselves in the lives of others.

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John 1:1-18

It is a known fact that if a person wants to learn about a certain group of people, their culture, customs, and language, he or she must immerse themselves in it all. When you live for an extended period of time among the people, you learn, relate, and gain a perspective that cannot be achieved any other way. You do not just pass through for a short period of time. You take up residence and “pitch a tent.” In our gospel text, the NRSV says: “And the Word became flesh and lived among us.” The verb there is skenoo – which means “to spread a tent.” When God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world, God, in essence, pitched tent for the purpose of residing with humanity in the fullest possible way and putting skin on. God loves us so much and made it known by putting on flesh. Jesus came to change the world. May he work mightily through us as we immerse ourselves in the lives of others.


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