Power Up


“God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power.” Paul was encouraging Timothy, who apparently suffered a lack of confidence, or at least felt deferential to others because of his young age. Perhaps we could use the same encouragement. Sometimes we live as if we had no power whatsoever. We settle for so much less than what is available for us, and accept things which need not be accepted. We have power & the power of faith & the power that uproots trees. Of course, that power is tempered by love and self-discipline, as Paul also proclaims.

SKU: WAP-LSB-062-C-10 Category:


“God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power.” Paul was encouraging Timothy, who apparently suffered a lack of confidence, or at least felt deferential to others because of his young age. Perhaps we could use the same encouragement. Sometimes we live as if we had no power whatsoever. We settle for so much less than what is available for us, and accept things which need not be accepted. We have power & the power of faith & the power that uproots trees. Of course, that power is tempered by love and self-discipline, as Paul also proclaims.

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