The Greatest Pursuit


Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

How would you answer the following questions: “What brings purpose and meaning to your life?” “What are you pursuing in life?” The answers given to these questions will tell a lot about what is most important to you and other people. God knows that people have many different pursuits, thus the reason for this series of parables. Storing up more and more possessions or working tirelessly to accumulate more wealth is the greatest aim for some. We know that someday, all those things will wither away and be no more. For others, it may be the pursuit of instant gratification or anything that is temporal. Jesus emphasizes that our greatest pursuit should be eternal things – that which will last forever. The greatest treasure is God in Christ who gives us all we have and has made it possible for us to live eternally with Him.

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Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

How would you answer the following questions: “What brings purpose and meaning to your life?” “What are you pursuing in life?” The answers given to these questions will tell a lot about what is most important to you and other people. God knows that people have many different pursuits, thus the reason for this series of parables. Storing up more and more possessions or working tirelessly to accumulate more wealth is the greatest aim for some. We know that someday, all those things will wither away and be no more. For others, it may be the pursuit of instant gratification or anything that is temporal. Jesus emphasizes that our greatest pursuit should be eternal things – that which will last forever. The greatest treasure is God in Christ who gives us all we have and has made it possible for us to live eternally with Him.


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