The Three Love Levels


The Parable of the Good Samaritan shows us three levels of love. There’s the legalistic love demonstrated by the lawyer, who asked the question, “Who is my neighbor?” Love became a law & an obligation to be met and checked off a duty list. There is the conditional love demonstrated by the priest and the Levite, who chose to ignore the needs of the injured traveler probably because they were on their way to do some church work. Under different circumstances perhaps they would have stopped. And then there is the love that caused the Samaritan to risk everything for the sake of the traveler. Of course, the highest level of love is God’s love for us, and it’s that level of love we share with those around us.

SKU: WAP-LSB-050-C-10 Category:


The Parable of the Good Samaritan shows us three levels of love. There’s the legalistic love demonstrated by the lawyer, who asked the question, “Who is my neighbor?” Love became a law & an obligation to be met and checked off a duty list. There is the conditional love demonstrated by the priest and the Levite, who chose to ignore the needs of the injured traveler probably because they were on their way to do some church work. Under different circumstances perhaps they would have stopped. And then there is the love that caused the Samaritan to risk everything for the sake of the traveler. Of course, the highest level of love is God’s love for us, and it’s that level of love we share with those around us.

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