
Luke 4:31-44 

As we live each day, we are faced with authority.  It actually begins the moment we wake up each morning.   We use our own authority to decide many things from what we are going to wear each day to how we are going to use much of our time.   Throughout each day and throughout our lives, we find ourselves responding, making decisions, planning for the future, and living life based on authority.    It can be found in ourselves, other people, government, organizations, businesses, and religions.  Our world is filled with rules and laws and we each operate through our value and moral systems.   In our gospel account, Jesus exercises His authority by driving out demons and demonstrating that his power is far greater than the power of Satan or any power in the universe. We all have to submit to authorities in life.  Who is your ultimate authority?


… We Lift Our Hearts in Worship …

[Preservice options include videos (countdowns, worship music, welcomes), worship music CD, or live music by worship band.]


Time of Praise and Worship

You You Are God

Walker Beach, ©2003 Gateway Create Publishing (Admin by Integrity’s Praise! Music)

Let Us Adore

Reuben Morgan, ©2005 Hillsong Music Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)

Mighty to Save

Ben Fielding & Reuben Morgan, ©2006 Hillsong Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)


[Traditional Options]

Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness      

CH 293; ELW 843; HS 98 881; LSB 849; STTL 214; WAR 93

There Is A Redeemer   

CH 308; HWC 206; LSB 971; RH 211; STTL 246; WAR 117

Renew Me O Eternal Light

LBW 511; LSB 704; LW 373


Invocation and Introduction of Today’s Theme 

Pastor              We are here today to hear the Good News in a world filled with bad news.

ALL                  We are ready to hear the life-changing powerful news that Christ proclaims. 

Pastor              Let us now worship in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

ALL                  Our hearts are filled with joy and gladness.    Amen.


Opening Prayer  

Pastor             God of power and might, we live in a world filled with people who have many diverse roles.  At times, we are the ones in authority and there are times when we                                         submit to others who are in charge.  Lord, give us the strength and courage to look to you as our ultimate authority. In this world where evil and darkness find a                                       foothold, we know in our hearts that you have the prevailing power. Through your Son, Jesus Christ, we learn about your miraculous power and love for us as your                                 children.   Knowing this, we can live our lives with hope for the future and peace in our hearts. 

ALL                  In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.


Time of Greeting


Time of Confession and Forgiveness   

Pastor            We now take a moment to come before You in humbleness to confess our sins – the areas of our lives that get in the way of our relationship with you.

 ALL                We find ourselves stating one thing and doing another, not walking the talk.

We know what Jesus taught and preached, but we allow the loud voices from the world to get the best hearing.

We know that God has called us to love unconditionally but we have put conditions on it.

We know that we have been sent into the world for a purpose, to impact lives with the saving Word of Jesus Christ, yet we keep the message to ourselves.

We know that God has power to move mountains and work miracles but we lack faith and miss opportunities in front of us.

We know that the greatest authority is God in and through Jesus Christ, but we find ourselves letting our own self-power take precedence.

(silence for personal confession)

Lord, please forgive us. We are deeply sorry and ask for Your forgiveness.


Pastor:           By Christ’s authority and power, your sins are forgiven. This is the truth—and the truth sets us free. We now have reason to rejoice!


… We Hear God’s Word …

[Read aloud both the introduction and Scripture]


First Reading                      Jeremiah 1:4-10                                                           

The Lord calls His people to be His mouthpiece and communicate a message of hope!                            

4 Now the word of the LORD came to me saying, 5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” 6 Then I said, “Ah, Lord GOD! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy.” 7 But the LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a boy’; for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you, 8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the LORD.” 9 Then the LORD put out his hand and touched my mouth; and the LORD said to me, “Now I have put my words in your mouth. 10 See, today I appoint you over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.”