

There is a difference between a job and a vocation. Every Christian has the same vocation, whether their job is as pastor or barista. Peter’s job was fishing. And after a miraculous catch of fish – a job well done – he was given a vocation. He was to be a Kingdom worker, fishing for men and women. Did he ever fish again? Sure. But his fishing was never quite the same, because now he did his job with the sense of vocation. The same is true of us. We each have a vocation – a calling – to be Kingdom workers, no matter what our job might be

SKU: WAP-LSB-015-C-10 Category:


There is a difference between a job and a vocation. Every Christian has the same vocation, whether their job is as pastor or barista. Peter’s job was fishing. And after a miraculous catch of fish – a job well done – he was given a vocation. He was to be a Kingdom worker, fishing for men and women. Did he ever fish again? Sure. But his fishing was never quite the same, because now he did his job with the sense of vocation. The same is true of us. We each have a vocation – a calling – to be Kingdom workers, no matter what our job might be

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