Who Knows?


Try to explain Trinity. We can’t. Try to understand Trinity. We can’t. We can’t say we know how Trinity works, and even our most creative illustrations fall short. One God. Three Persons. Each separate and yet connected. Who can understand? Actually, that’s the whole point. We keep trying to understand ‘how’, while all God ever proclaims is ‘Who.’ This is sacred mystery, and we make no attempt to apologize for the mystery. We simply proclaim the great Who – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God.

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Try to explain Trinity. We can’t. Try to understand Trinity. We can’t. We can’t say we know how Trinity works, and even our most creative illustrations fall short. One God. Three Persons. Each separate and yet connected. Who can understand? Actually, that’s the whole point. We keep trying to understand ‘how’, while all God ever proclaims is ‘Who.’ This is sacred mystery, and we make no attempt to apologize for the mystery. We simply proclaim the great Who – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God.


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