The Power of Prayer for Our Lives! Four Week Series


The Power of Prayer for Our Lives!


Prayer – what is it, what does it do, why should I pray, how can I pray, does God listen?  On and on the questions go, throughout the centuries, as people wrestle with a rather “one-sided” form of communication called prayer.


Today’s “truth is all relative” world scoffs at prayer – at praying to something you cannot see, some “One” you cannot hear or touch.  But the world, full of its sin, is again wrong!  We see the hand of God at work around us all the time – often the result of a believer on their knees in prayer.  We touch the Lord in our communication because He IS there, right next to us when we speak to Him.  And He speaks back, sometimes in words we can hear, but always in His answers, which are far better than we could ever imagine.  “My ways are higher than your ways – My thoughts are higher than your thoughts,”  He tells us in His Scriptures.  And thank heavens for that!


As we explore the power of prayer and how it CAN and DOES change our life, we are again reminded of a powerful God who always has time for us – for the smallest request to throwing out the life-line.  May we “ask, and seek and knock” – and find the door of God’s promises open and flowing over for us all.


  1. “How to Pray About Problems”

Mark 11: 12-25


  1. “Prayer CAN Change Your Life!”

Acts 4: 32-35


III.   “5 Steps in Prayer”

II Chronicles 7: 11-16


  1. “How to Receive an Answer to Prayer”

Psalm 40


“Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I will give

this land.’  … And there he built an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him.”

Abraham wasn’t having illusions of grandeur — God WAS speaking to him!

And neither is it an illusion that God still speaks to people and confirms to

their hearts that His word holds high promise for their own life situations and

problems — in the here and NOW.  Worshiping the Giver of these promises

reminds us of His power to perform and His faithfulness to keep!

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The Power of Prayer for Our Lives!


Prayer – what is it, what does it do, why should I pray, how can I pray, does God listen?  On and on the questions go, throughout the centuries, as people wrestle with a rather “one-sided” form of communication called prayer.


Today’s “truth is all relative” world scoffs at prayer – at praying to something you cannot see, some “One” you cannot hear or touch.  But the world, full of its sin, is again wrong!  We see the hand of God at work around us all the time – often the result of a believer on their knees in prayer.  We touch the Lord in our communication because He IS there, right next to us when we speak to Him.  And He speaks back, sometimes in words we can hear, but always in His answers, which are far better than we could ever imagine.  “My ways are higher than your ways – My thoughts are higher than your thoughts,”  He tells us in His Scriptures.  And thank heavens for that!


As we explore the power of prayer and how it CAN and DOES change our life, we are again reminded of a powerful God who always has time for us – for the smallest request to throwing out the life-line.  May we “ask, and seek and knock” – and find the door of God’s promises open and flowing over for us all.


  1. “How to Pray About Problems”

Mark 11: 12-25


  1. “Prayer CAN Change Your Life!”

Acts 4: 32-35


III.   “5 Steps in Prayer”

II Chronicles 7: 11-16


  1. “How to Receive an Answer to Prayer”

Psalm 40


“Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I will give

this land.’  … And there he built an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him.”

Abraham wasn’t having illusions of grandeur — God WAS speaking to him!

And neither is it an illusion that God still speaks to people and confirms to

their hearts that His word holds high promise for their own life situations and

problems — in the here and NOW.  Worshiping the Giver of these promises

reminds us of His power to perform and His faithfulness to keep!


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