

WORSHIP THEME: “All is Well!”

Certainly when you look at the world today you can easily see that all is not well.  So, how can the claim be made that “all is well”?  All is well no matter what you can see with your “physical eyes” because of this very night!  For on this night we are assured that God keeps His promises.  On this night we celebrate that He has made all things well again through Jesus.  Tonight we are assured that God is both with us and for us!  That’s why all things are well!


PRELUDE (Optional)

[Consider having a special prelude, maybe a trumpet solo or some special instrumental music.  If you have candles that will be lit for the service consider having them lit during the prelude.]





[During this time the pastor or worship leader should welcome everyone to the service/church and introduce himself/herself since most likely there be many visitors. You might consider having everyone stand and greet one another and then be seated.  During this time consider using the video loop the “Bigger Picture” from   On the home page of SermonSpice click on “Video loops” on the navigational icons at the top of the screen then on the right column put in “Bigger Picture” in the search space.  “Bigger Picture” is simply a video loop of the earth turning and shows various people groups from around the world.  As the pastor or worship leader introduces the theme for the service this loops services as a powerful visual for the worshippers and the pastor/worship leader will want to make reference to the loop while introducing the theme.  This loop is downloadable and costs $10.


The pastor/worship leader might consider introducing the theme by saying something in his/her own words like “Tonight we celebrate God’s gift to the world–Jesus the Messiah.  Jesus the Messiah came to offer life, forgiveness, hope, second chances, mercy and grace and PEACE to the world.  However, as you well know our world is filled with pain, conflict, hopelessness, hurt and strife.  But no matter what we see in the world or no matter what is happening in “our own world,” all is well because of Jesus.  For through Christ Jesus no matter what your eyes tell you – all is well for those who have received the gift of the Father–Jesus Christ.  This gift of peace has come to our world for believers AND unbelievers.  And for those who do not yet know Him… tonight receive God’s gift and open it with joy and receive His peace.  For through Him, all is well”!



[As the pastor prays this prayer all of the lights in the sanctuary should be dimmed if possible so they are completely out except for whatever is necessary for safety.]

Tonight Lord, we are in awe of the gift of Your Son.  Thank You!  Thank You for giving us the gift that we could neither purchase nor earn.  Thank You for Your Son, Jesus, our hope, our peace, our forgiveness, our second chance and our Savior and Lord.  Fill us with Your Spirit and surround us with Your presence tonight. For tonight, we thank You.  We worship You.  You are the true God–Father, Son and Spirit.  And because of Your awesome gift of Jesus, all is well.  Amen



[Consider using the video “Baby Jesus” from  Please note that there are a number of videos and video loops available with the same name.  This particular video is from Flashlight Films.  It is one minute and sixteen seconds long.  It is not a loop but rather a video of Mary and Joseph making their way to Bethlehem including various prophetic Scriptures.  If for some reason you are not able to find the video in your search on SermonSpice please contact us at [email protected] and we will assist you.  The video is well worth the time to “get the right one”.  It is downloadable for $15.]


SOLO or CHOIR:    “O Holy Night”

[Consider using the loop background titled: “Nativity Impressions” from sermonspice – $10 during the song and during the song bring the sanctuary/chancel lights up to where you plan to have them for the service – if possible consider not having the lights on your tree(s) on until this time…possibly using a dimmer switch on the trees and bring them up very slowly to all of the way on during the song.]



Pastor: On this night..

All: On this most holy night…all is well.

Pastor: Even though the world is full of conflict, pain, strife, confusion and hurt…

All: All is well.

Pastor: Even though your world, your life may be filled with concerns and difficulties…

All: All is well.

Pastor: All is well tonight…

All: Because the Gift has been given.

Pastor: For unto us a Child is born, a Gift is given;

All: As light is to darkness, so He is to our world.

Pastor: And because “He is born”… all is well.

All: And because He has come into our world…

Pastor: All is well.

All: On this most holy night…all is well!




Refrain of O Come All Ye Faithful

3X’s- picking up volume and tempo each time you sing it

[Consider using the “Stained Glass Background” from

$8 use this through “O Come all Ye Faithful”]

[ELW 283; LW 41; LBW 45; LSB 379; CH 249; H82 83; HFG 193; NCH 135; PH 41; RS 499; UMH 234; WC 173]