Prophecies Fulfilled-Week of Easter


Week of Easter

Part 2 of the “Prophecies Fulfilled” Series continues to look at Old Testament Messianic prophecies and the foreshadowing of Christ through events in the lives of God’s people – including Passover and the office of high priest.  Services include Palm Sunday (What do we do with Jesus?) , Maundy Thursday (with an option for a complete Messianic Passover Seder Service), Good Friday (with an option of a dramatic reading), and Easter Sunday (Jesus, our Prophet, Priest, and King).  Complete sermons, music options, and liturgies are included.

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Week of Easter

Part 2 of the “Prophecies Fulfilled” Series continues to look at Old Testament Messianic prophecies and the foreshadowing of Christ through events in the lives of God’s people – including Passover and the office of high priest.  Services include Palm Sunday (What do we do with Jesus?) , Maundy Thursday (with an option for a complete Messianic Passover Seder Service), Good Friday (with an option of a dramatic reading), and Easter Sunday (Jesus, our Prophet, Priest, and King).  Complete sermons, music options, and liturgies are included.


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