
Philippians 2:5-11

We are all born into this world with original sin. We cannot escape it for it permeates who we are and we find it rearing its ugly head within the recesses of our minds. The only human being to live on this earth who was perfect, without sin, was Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. God sent Jesus into this world to fulfill the plan of salvation and give us the perfect example of love, grace, faith, and hope – with the aim of putting the mind of Christ and all His attributes within us that we would reflect Jesus in our daily lives. Paul’s letter to the Philippians and ultimately to us says, “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus…” We are implored to live with this mentality.  This is our basis, our yard stick, plumb line for our journey through life. This way of being for followers of Christ is central to the body of Christ, the church, as it engages in mission. When Christ takes center stage within our minds, we will do and say the unnatural, and be a light in the world, even as imperfect people.