Truth or Consequence


John 8:31-36

We live with many deceits in our lives – how we think about God; how we think about ourselves; and how we think about the things that happen in our lives.  And there is consequence to living in deceit – we are imprisoned by our false beliefs and cannot become all we were intended to be.  Jesus not only tells us Truth; He is the Truth.  And as we ‘know’ Him – knowing Him in the sense of experiencing Him – we are free to live as the children of God in power and peace and joy.

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John 8:31-36

We live with many deceits in our lives – how we think about God; how we think about ourselves; and how we think about the things that happen in our lives.  And there is consequence to living in deceit – we are imprisoned by our false beliefs and cannot become all we were intended to be.  Jesus not only tells us Truth; He is the Truth.  And as we ‘know’ Him – knowing Him in the sense of experiencing Him – we are free to live as the children of God in power and peace and joy.

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