
Matthew 20:1-16

“Life is not fair!” We all have either heard this from another person or uttered the statement ourselves.  The longer we live, the deeper this truth is for us. We have all experienced what we perceive to be unfairness within in our families, in institutions, the work place, businesses, church, and the list goes on. It is unsettling and can easily consume our minds and emotions if we let it. Yes, it is important to fight for justice and equality in this world yet we know that there will always be unfair treatment in this imperfect sinful world coupled with what we can term as the human economy. With, we also need to accept the fact that God’s economy is not built on “fairness” or a mentality of “earning.” It is built on generosity, mercy, and grace. God freely spends on us with no strings attached. This runs counter to our human thought process.  God continually gives us gifts we certainly do not deserve.