Homeless God


2 Samuel 11:1-7, 16

We so often turn things around.  David wanted to build a fine house for God.  Nathan, the prophet, gave his approval.  They wanted a building worthy of God, rather than the temporary tabernacle which was the symbol of God’s presence with His people.  The intentions were honorable, but misguided.  God’s power does not depend on what we do for Him, no matter how noble.  He is the One Who makes us His ‘house’, His people, as we love and serve in Jesus’ name.

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2 Samuel 11:1-7, 16

We so often turn things around.  David wanted to build a fine house for God.  Nathan, the prophet, gave his approval.  They wanted a building worthy of God, rather than the temporary tabernacle which was the symbol of God’s presence with His people.  The intentions were honorable, but misguided.  God’s power does not depend on what we do for Him, no matter how noble.  He is the One Who makes us His ‘house’, His people, as we love and serve in Jesus’ name.


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