
The disciples of John the Baptist engaged Jesus in conversation. They wanted to know what He was about. And Jesus spoke the invitation that He speaks to each of us: “Come and see.” We cannot know Jesus by knowing about Him – we can only know Him as we come to Him and experience His life in ours. It’s the most important invitation we will ever receive. It calls us beyond knowing about Jesus and into knowing Him. And His invitation calls for a response. RSVP

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The disciples of John the Baptist engaged Jesus in conversation. They wanted to know what He was about. And Jesus spoke the invitation that He speaks to each of us: “Come and see.” We cannot know Jesus by knowing about Him – we can only know Him as we come to Him and experience His life in ours. It’s the most important invitation we will ever receive. It calls us beyond knowing about Jesus and into knowing Him. And His invitation calls for a response. RSVP


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