Go the extra mile. For a lot of people that means doing above and beyond. For Jesus it means more than that. Going the second mile means changing the motivation. In Jesus time, a Roman soldier could force an Israelite to carry the soldiers armor for one mile only. And many were the Israelites who begrudgingly walked that first mile. Jesus tells us to go the second mile not because we are constricted into service, but because we are compelled by love. Love will always take the long walk.
The Long Walk
Go the extra mile. For a lot of people that means doing above and beyond. For Jesus it means more than that. Going the second mile means changing the motivation. In Jesus time, a Roman soldier could force an Israelite to carry the soldiers armor for one mile only. And many were the Israelites who begrudgingly walked that first mile. Jesus tells us to go the second mile not because we are constricted into service, but because we are compelled by love. Love will always take the long walk.