It is so easy to hear the account of the doubting Thomas and criticize him for not believing when He had the risen Christ right in front of him! After all, we wouldn’t doubt like that had we been there and saw the Savior in plain sight. Or would we? Is Thomas maybe your twin brother? Many times the Lord calls us to faith yet we plead for a “sign.” This morning we take a close look at Jesus response and call to faith for not only Thomas but for each of us!
Thomas: Your Twin?
It is so easy to hear the account of the doubting Thomas and criticize him for not believing when He had the risen Christ right in front of him! After all, we wouldn’t doubt like that had we been there and saw the Savior in plain sight. Or would we? Is Thomas maybe your twin brother? Many times the Lord calls us to faith yet we plead for a “sign.” This morning we take a close look at Jesus response and call to faith for not only Thomas but for each of us!