Romans 15:13
The message of Christmas is one of hope, absolute hope, sure and certain hope, because of the gift of Christ. He came as one of us into the mess of our circumstances. The Father had promised Him, the prophet had spoken of Him, but then the prophets were silent. After waiting 400 years in silence from God, the Father spoke, and it was through the cry of a baby’s voice. He gave us His Son, Jesus.
So we can proclaim with certainty, “Tonight hope is born. Hope is alive in Bethlehem.”
Service Notes
- The service theme is “Hope is Alive”, based on the song by Ellie Holcomb, ©2014 Full Heart Music; SongSelect #7102243.
- This resource is a complete order of worship including a full Sermon Script, Sermon Resources, and optional elements of Communion and Congregational Candle Lighting.
- Custom-created videos for the Opening Video and Sermon Bumper are included in your package, plus a custom-designed logo and Title slide. Permission is granted for use with this worship resource.
- If you have access to live animals, including these in the Nativity story is a wonderful addition. Depending upon your location, possible sources would be local animal rescue, farmers or ranchers, or animal rental companies. Suggested animals would include a donkey and a few sheep and/or goats, and if you’re really fortunate to find, a camel.
- We suggest giving a keepsake ornament. We used Flat Shatterproof Satin Ornaments from com. 100 are $1.10 each plus set up charge. [Image at end of this resource.] These would adorn at least one of your Christmas trees, preferably at the front side/s of the church, for worshipers to take from the tree when they return from Communion. You could also use 3rd grade and older children to distribute. If you do not celebrate the Lord’s Supper, provide a time for worshipers to receive their ornament, possibly around the prayer time. An ornament tree could be in the back of the church, and you may invite worshippers to take their ornaments as they leave. Another option is to not use Christmas trees and simply hand the ornaments to worshipers as they depart.]
Your church must have CCLI and CVLI Licenses to legally use the suggested music and videos
Christmas Creed [Optional]
All I believe that God is the Creator of all, Who out of His incredible love for me sent Hope is Alive! Opening Video
Download at https:
Theme Introduction and Opening Prayer
[Prayer begins as video is ending]
Worship Leader Heavenly Father, how we adore You. You saw the messy circumstances we’ve put ourselves in, and sent Your Son to bring hope. Tonight, the Word has become flesh. Hope is born. Tonight hope is alive in Bethlehem. Our hearts are open to receive You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
The Nativity Story
Gospel Video 1: Luke 2:1-5 https:
[Mary and Joseph enter with donkey (if you’re using live animals) and take their places: Mary is seated and Joseph stands beside her, holding the reins of the donkey.]
Opening Song
[One possible version with a nice bridge is by Essential Worship, available on]
O Little Town of Bethlehem (He is Love)
Stu Garrard & Tony Wood, © 2011 Sony/ATV Cross Keys Publishing/Songs From Exit 71 (ASCAP)Sony/ATV Timber Publishing/Stugio Music Publishing
[Traditional Option]
O Little Town of Bethlehem
BH 75 85; BH 91 86; CH 250; CHH 144; EH 78,79; ELW 279; HWC 141; HFG 178; HLC 121; HGP 71; HSP 338; LBW 41; LSB 361; LW 59,60; NCH 133; PH 43,44; RH 128; RS 520; STTL 169; WC 154,155; UMH 230; WAR 180; WHM 143; WIS 174
Gospel Video 2: Luke 2:6-7 https:
[Angel dressed in white brings the baby or doll to Mary.]
Emmanuel (Hallowed Holy Ground)
Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, © 2009 Songs, sixsteps Music, Vamos Publishing
(Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing) Alletrop Music (Admin by Music Services)
[Traditional Option]
Away In A Manger
BH 75 80; BH 91 103; CH 261,262; CHH 147; EH 101; ELW 277,278; HWC 157,158; HFG 185,187; HLC 112; HGP 74; HSP 337; LBW 67; LSB 364,365; LW 64; NCH 124; PH 25; RH 125,126; RH 126; RS 515; STTL 176,178; WC 147,149; UMH 217; WOV 644; WAR 203,205; WHM 128,129; WIS 168
Gospel Video 3: Luke 2:8-20 https:
[Shepherds and sheep enter at the cue “…Let us go to Bethlehem and see…” and kneel before the baby]
[Worship leader invites all to stand]
O Come All Ye Faithful with We Adore You
John Francis Wade, Frederick Oakeley, Paul Baloche, and Tim Janis, © 2013 Integrity Worship Music/Leadworship Music/ASCAP (adm by Integrity Music via excluding the UK which is adm at “We Adore You” © 2005 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music/ASCAP
(adm worldwide at
[Traditional Option]
O Come, All Ye Faithful
BH 75 81; BH 91 89; CH 249; CHH 148; EH 83; ELW 283; HWC 145; HPW 20; HFG 193; HLC 103; HGP 78; HSP 332; LBW 45; LSB 379; LW 41; NCH 135; PH 41; RH 133; RS 499; STTL 175; WC 173; UMH 234; WAR 182; WHM 133; WIS 178
[Nativity characters depart after song ends.]
Hope is Alive
Ellie Holcomb, ©2014 Full Heart Music; SongSelect #7102243
[A complete script is provided at the end of this resource, as well as Sermon Seasonings if you prefer to write your own message.]
His only Son to be born on earth. Because of Him, hope is alive.
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh. I believe He was born In Bethlehem to save mankind from the messy, hopeless circumstances of life. I believe He came through the circumstance of the cross, conquered death, and overcame the circumstance of the grave. Because of Him, hope is alive.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, Who fills me with faith to know without a doubt that the baby born in Bethlehem is my Savior. Because of Him, hope is alive.
And I believe that the only sure and certain hope in life comes from God. I believe that He is with me through every circumstance in life, good or bad. I believe that hope is alive! Amen.