
[Worship Notes:  This worship is written to intentionally involve families. You might ask for volunteer families, or simply approach those who you believe would be a good fit for the various sections of readings. Feel free to break up longer sections of readings to include more family members.  Another alternative would be to recruit youth or Confirmation students and conduct as a Youth-led worship. Even the Message could be delivered as a monologue. It can also be executed in the traditional way of Pastor/All or Leader/All.]


  • Complete service with thematic song intros, confession, creed, and prayers
  • Suitable for Thanksgiving Eve, Thanksgiving, or the Sundays before/after Thanksgiving
  • Children’s Chat with take-home puppet
  • Custom-written monologue
  • Take home remembrance; Custom created JPEG for advertising and service use

At this time of the year, we hear and see reminders of the one day of the year specifically designated to be thankful. It was so important that the federal government established an official act proclaiming the day a holiday. For those blessed with employment, homes, family, health, and financial stability, this is an easy season to celebrate. But what about the millions unemployed and underemployed; those facing a health crises; spouses in an abusive relationship; couples and businesses facing bankruptcy; mourners grieving the loss of a loved one? As Christians, we can offer the hope of a loving God Who has plans for us. And until those plans are revealed and the next door is opened, we praise Him in the hallway!


Opening Worship Time

[With Thanksgiving’s origins deep in history, we begin with a traditional Thanksgiving song, played in a relaxed style.]

[Intro: a heartfelt welcome, proclaim we are here to worship the God of all Creation, and ask worshipers to rise.]

We Gather Together / We Praise You, O God

Stan Loyd & Theodore Baker, ©Public Domain / Julia Bulkley Cady Cor, ©Public Domain


10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)

Matt Redman & Jonas Myrin, ©2011 Thankyou Music, Said And Done Music,

sixsteps Music, SHOUT! Publishing (admin EMI CMG Publishing)


[Traditional Option]

We Gather Together    

BH 75 229; BH 91 636; CH 790; CHH 276; EH 433; HWC 561; HFG 387; HLC 570; HGP 491; HSP 328; NCH 421; PH 559; RH 719; STTL 767; WC 376; UMH 131; WAR 81; WHM 61; WIS 85

We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator                       

BH 75 15; BH 91 19; CH 68; ELW 870; HWC 16; HFG 334; HGP 19; LBW 241; LSB 785; LW 494; NCH 420; RH 16; STTL 40; WAR 726; WHM 62



Invocation and Introduction of Today’s Theme


Younger Reader Welcome! We are gathered together in this holy place, and call upon God’s presence in His name, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


ALL                  Amen!


Adult                Here it is, that time of the year when we are to be all things thankful. It was so important that the federal government established an official act proclaiming the day as a holiday. For those blessed with employment, homes, family, health, and financial stability, this is an easy day to celebrate. But what about the millions unemployed and underemployed; those facing a health crises; spouses in an abusive relationship; couples and businesses facing bankruptcy; mourners grieving the loss of a loved one? As Christians, we can offer the hope of a loving God Who has plans for us. And until those plans are revealed and the next door is opened, we wait, and we praise Him in the hallway!

Youth               A song called “Waiting Here for You” describes this well. Written on Isaiah 26:8 which reads, “Yes, Lord, walking in Your way of truth, we wait for You, for Your name and Your renown are the desire of our souls.” Waiting means to be available or in readiness…to look forward to eagerly…to continue as one is in expectation of. That’s how God wants our attitude to be towards Him, as we continue in our daily lives, in expectation of what God has in store for us next.  “We come with expectation. Waiting here for You. You’re the Lord of all creation. And still You know my heart. The Author of Salvation. You’ve loved us from the start. Waiting here for You. With our hands lifted high in praise. And it’s You we adore. Singing Alleluia. You are everything You’ve promised. Your faithfulness is true. And we’re desperate for Your presence. All we need is You.



[Sung as a Solo, by Worship Team, or Video]  or


“Waiting Here for You” Recorded by Christy Nockels

Chris Tomlin, Martin Smith, & Jesse Reeves, ©2011 sixsteps Music / Songs / Vamos Publishing (Admin. at (ASCAP) / Curious? Music UK (PRS)

(Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)



Greeting Each Other

Younger Reader   We are so thankful that we have the freedom to worship publicly. Let’s take time now to thank those around us for coming to worship, and wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving!



Responsive Reading        Psalm 67 (CEV)


Reader 1           Please join in reading Psalm 67 with me: Our God, be kind and bless us! Be pleased and smile.


ALL                  Then everyone on earth will learn to follow You, and all nations will see Your power to save us!


Reader 2           Make everyone praise You and shout Your praises.


ALL                  Let the nations celebrate with joyful songs, because You judge fairly and guide all nations.


Reader 3           Make everyone praise You and shout Your praises. Our God has blessed the earth with a wonderful harvest!


ALL                  Pray for His blessings to continue and for everyone on earth to worship our God!





Opening Thematic Video


I Choose Thankful by Journey Box Media – Available on



Lord I Need You

Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Kristian Stanfill, & Matt Maher, ©2011 songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) Sweater Weather Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) Valley Of Songs Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) Thankyou Music

(Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)



Time of Confession and Forgiveness


Parent                   O Lord, how I need You!  As we just sang, I come now and confess, that without You I fall apart. You’re the One that guides my heart.


Younger Reader   We all have to admit, even with 10,000 reasons to do it, sometimes the last thing we feel like doing is praising God. When my sister calls me bad names, when my friend ignores me, when I’ve done something wrong and I get time out – I sure don’t feel much like thanking God for those times!


Teen                 And sometimes I just don’t feel worthy to praise Him. How can God love and bless me when I mess up and disappoint Him every day? Maybe you feel the same way sometimes. That’s when I have to remember God’s promise to forgive when I repent of my sins. Let’s confess, now, together:


ALL                  Loving God, I stand before You now with a humble heart. I have disappointed you so many times. I neglect to spend time with You every day, yet I won’t leave home without my phone. I make promises I don’t keep. I hurt people’s feelings, sometimes just to make myself look better. I crab and moan that I don’t have what my friends have, rather than being grateful for all You have given me. Please forgive me. Please give me a thankful heart, an attitude that will praise You in all circumstances. Teach my song to rise to You, when temptation comes my way. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen. 


Older Reader    God has heard our confession. Where sin runs deep, His grace is more. He is our hope and stay. He promises in 1 John 1:9 that “If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just, and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. He has removed them as far as the east is from the west, and remembers our sin no more. Please turn to the person on each side of you and share the assurance by saying, “In the name of Jesus, your sins are forgiven!”