Mark 9:35
Our highest calling is to follow Jesus, Who went to a cross, and on the way, offered Himself as servant to those around Him. He draped a towel over His holy arm, and washed feet. As those who are followers of Jesus, we find ourselves honored to serve those around us, not because it’s expected of us, but because it brings us joy. There are none greater within the Kingdom than those who willingly and lovingly serve.
We Lift Our Hearts in Worship
[Preservice options include videos (countdowns, worship music, welcomes), worship music CD, or live music by worship band.]
Time of Praise and Worship
God Is Able
Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan, ©2010 Hillsong Music Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
Trading My Sorrows
Darrell Evans, ©1998 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music
Build Your Kingdom Here
Rend Collective Experiment, ©2011 Thankyou Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing
[Traditional Options]
Make Me a Blessing
BH 5 290; BH 91 569; CH 670; HWC 452; HFG 473; HLC 505; HGP 281; HSP 319; RH 509; STTL 533; WC 656; WHM 398; WIS 342
O Day of Rest and Gladness
ELW 521; HFG 12; HLC 549; LBW 251; LSB 906; LW 203
Jesus Greatest at The Table
LSB 446
Invocation and Introduction of Today’s Theme
Pastor: In the name of the Father, Who sent His Son to a manger and a cross
In the name of the Son, Jesus Christ, Who humbled Himself and became obedient unto death;
In the name of the Holy Spirit, Who empowers us to serve with joy, in the name of Jesus.
ALL Amen
Opening Prayer
Pastor Almighty God, we bow before You, silent and still in Your consuming presence. Your majesty exceeds our comprehension, and Your power is incomprehensible. Yet You have loved us, and sent Your Son into our world, wrapped in our flesh. He came as a servant and died that we might be free to live as Your people. In His name, and in His Spirit, we gladly serve those around us.
ALL Amen.
Time of Greeting
Time of Confession and Forgiveness
[Alternate location: following Message]
Pastor We confess our sins and our sinfulness before our Father
(a time of silence)
Father, we gather as Your people, acknowledging we have put ourselves before You.
ALL Your Son has said that the measure of those who follow Him is service. We do not measure up.
We are self-serving, seeking what is best for us.
We have no desire to serve others, lest they come to expect it.
We give preference to the high and mighty, rather than the lowly servant.
We posture and position ourselves as those who are worthy of acclaim.
We are willing to serve, only if we are recognized for our service.
Forgive us.
Pastor Hear the Gospel of Jesus, who took on the form of servant and went to the cross for us. Through His death and resurrection, we are redeemed, empower to live as His people. And in the stead and by the command of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as a called and ordained servant of the Word, I hereby forgive you all your sins, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
ALL Amen.
We Hear God’s Word
[Read aloud both the introduction and Scripture]
First Reading: Jeremiah 11:18-20
While those around us may attack us, God declares us righteous
18 Because the Lord revealed their plot to me, I knew it, for at that time he showed me what they were doing. 19 I had been like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter; I did not realize that they had plotted against me, saying, “Let us destroy the tree and its fruit; let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name be remembered no more.”20 But you, Lord Almighty, who judge righteously and test the heart and mind,
let me see your vengeance on them, for to you I have committed my cause.