
Matthew 18:15-20 

Most churches have a constitution and by-laws that govern the functioning of the congregation. They are designed, voted on, and presumably implemented to help leaders and members have structure, make decisions, govern, and handle conflict if it arises. The Gospel passage from Matthew 18 is used often to help congregations deal with adverse behavior and conflict in the life of the church. Wherever people gather together, it is a known fact that there will be problems and conflict. The narrative has Jesus spelling out the steps to take when a brother or sister commits an act of sin against another. Rather than handling a situation in a destructive manner, Jesus gives us a step by step process with an eye toward resolution. It is clear that the real presence of Christ is crucial to the process so that our human inclinations do not take precedence. Jesus states that “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”  The real presence of Christ makes all the difference in the world when it comes to healthy decision-making, reconciliation, and harmony in the community. With Christ and His love at the center of our conversations, the results can be amazing so that all involved can move forward.